I need to color the white footrest black to get it matching the other one and sofa. I still need to get some shoe racks from Ikea to have all shoes put in place. I'm selling the old white sofa and hoping it would be sold soon. Of course things are not as neatly in place as they were in my old home, but for now it's all settled in a way I can live with and for now that's enough.
There are few pictures that are looking for their place, and one carpet needs to be taken into dry cleaners. Then I'm all set. It was a lot of work, and I can assure you that I will not move ever again!! At least not to a foreign country. And definitely not alone!
Kotini on paikoillaan. No, joitakin pieniä asioita pitää vielä järjestellä, mutta suurin osa on paikoillaan. Kaikki laatikot on tyhjennetty. Kaikki pakkausmateriaali on viety roskikseen.
Muutama kuva etsii paikkaansa, ja matto täytyy viedä pesulaan. Sitten kaikki on valmista. Takana on kova työ, ja voin vakuuttaa etten muuta enää ikinä!! Ainakaan vieraaseen maahan. Enkä todellakaan yksin!
Kaunis koti, pikku hiljaa saat sen tuntumaan vielä omanlaisemmalta. <3