Saturday, April 15, 2017

Strawberries, flowers and Isar

I know I have been ranting about spring already God knows how many times, but I don't seem to get tired of the subject :D Even though it has been little colder here for the past few days, the sceneries have still been very nice. There are lots of nice walkways along the river Isar.

More and more flowers. 

The first strawberries of the season, and they are locally produced here in Bavaria! I love strawberries. I can't get enough of them <3 


Tiedän että olen keuhkonnut keväästä jo ties kuinka monta kertaa, mutta en näytä väsyvän aiheeseen :D Vaikka täällä onkin ollut vähän viileämpää viime päivinä, maisemat ovat silti olleet erittäin kauniita. Isar-joen varrella on paljon kivoja kävelyreittejä. 

Enemmän ja enemmän kukkia. 

Kauden ensimmäiset mansikat, ja ne ovat paikallisia täältä Bavariasta! Rakastan mansikoita. En voi saada niistä kyllikseni <3


  1. Hello Sini,
    I´m traveling to China in september this year. As I heard, you can be connected via the app "WeChat" and with a German email account like
    Have fun there and never enter a tea shop !

    1. Hey Maren, WhatsApp worked fine and in the end even Google from the hotel! It was a great visit and all went well.
